Empowering Communities

Hundreds of ComEd Employees Participate in “Out of the Darkness” Walks for Suicide Prevention

September 19, 2024

ComEd’s dedication to supporting the communities it serves extends beyond providing reliable energy. Each year, ComEd employees select a Cause of the Year to focus their giving and volunteer efforts on issues that resonate deeply with the communities in which they work and live. This year, ComEd was proud to highlight suicide prevention as the 2024 Cause of the Year, in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Illinois Chapter.

The subject of suicide is deeply personal and often difficult to discuss, yet its importance cannot be overstated. Suicide is the 11th-leading cause of death in the United States, profoundly affecting families, friends, and communities. In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 1,533 Illinois residents died by suicide, or 11.7 deaths for every 100,000 members of the population. AFSP emphasizes the importance of knowing the warning signs of suicide and reaching out to those who may be struggling.

September is also National Suicide Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of mental health and efforts to prevent suicide. This observance provides an opportunity for individuals to come together to support those in need, share resources, and promote open conversations about mental health.


ComEd at Rockford Out of the Darkness Walk

Employee Awareness and Community Impact

The collaboration with AFSP was aimed to raise funds and awareness for suicide prevention and mental health resources in Illinois. AFSP’s work is vital in shaping a future where fewer lives are lost to suicide and more individuals receive the support they need.

One of the most significant events of the collaboration was the recent Out of the Darkness community walks in Chicago and Rockford, where nearly 350 ComEd employees were among 5,300 walkers who took part in this impactful event. ComEd employees set a collective fundraising goal of $50,000 for suicide prevention.

This event brought together people from all walks of life, each step symbolizing a commitment to ending the silence around mental health and suicide.

“The Out of the Darkness walks are a testament to the strength and resilience of our communities,” said Angela Cumming, executive director of AFSP Illinois Chapter. “Seeing so many people come together to walk in support of those affected by suicide is incredibly moving. It shows that we are united in our effort to bring hope and prevent future tragedies.”


ComEd at Chicago Out of the Darkness Walk

A Personal Connection

For Scott Vogt, ComEd’s vice president of strategy and energy policy and this year’s Cause of the Year executive sponsor, suicide prevention is deeply personal. “Ten years ago, I lost my brother to suicide,” Scott shared. “The pain and impact on our family were profound. This cause is close to my heart, and through our efforts, I hope to help others find support and understanding. Our mission is to create awareness, offer hope, and make a tangible difference in the fight against suicide.”

Under Scott’s leadership, ComEd organized various webinars, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising events to actively engage employees and the community in support of this year’s cause.  Each event was a step towards breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and providing vital resources to those in need.

“Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall wellness,” Scott emphasized. “Together, we can foster a culture of care and openness.”


Moving Forward Together

By prioritizing suicide prevention and mental health for the 2024 Cause of the Year, ComEd is demonstrating its commitment to creating a supportive environment where employees and community members feel valued and understood. ComEd invites everyone to learn more about this cause. For more information on how you can get involved or seek support, please visit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention website.