Avoid causing power outages with mylar balloons this Valentine’s Day weekend
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Supporting Customers
Providing safe, cost-effective and reliable energy to our more than 4 million customers is at the center of what we do.
Learn how Gabriel Nagy kicked off his home energy-efficiency transformation and how you can too with the help of ComEd
Since 2020, ComEd’s Energy Assistance Ambassador program has provided hundreds of jobs and connected thousands of customers to bill-assistance options
Learn how you can catch up and stay current on your energy bills
Be more energy efficient while embracing the holiday spirit
Learn how ComEd crews joined Southeastern utilities to aid in power restoration as part of mutual assistance
While severe weather intensifies, ComEd continues to enhance its infrastructure to power one of the busiest airports in the world
Learn how ComEd delivered reliability for customers in the hour of need
Practice electrical safety and money-saving habits to avoid a real fright this Halloween season
Discover how ComEd works with community partners to bring resources and financial assistance to customers in their language
Learn how ComEd is readying the grid to deliver more electricity during the hottest, stormiest months of the year