Empowering Communities

ComEd Delivers Over 3,000 Trees to 30 Communities, Advancing Its Commitment to a Greener Northern Illinois

August 29, 2024

In Chicago, green spaces and tree canopies are more than just amenities—they’re lifelines for healthier living and environmental sustainability. Yet, many neighborhoods lack these essential natural resources. To address this, ComEd deepened its commitment to building stronger, more sustainable communities through ComEd’s 2024 Power Planting Program.

This year, in collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation, ComEd adopted an equity focused approached to tree distribution, prioritizing areas most in need of revitalization. Rather than simply distributing saplings, ComEd strategically approached the distributions of young trees directly in neighborhoods where they can make the most difference, beautifying communities while also increasing environmental benefits in areas that need it most.

“Our commitment to empowering communities extends beyond just providing electricity. For years, we’ve focused on creating a lasting impact by fostering a greener, more sustainable environment,” said Evelyn Rodriguez Estrada, Director of Corporate Community Impact at ComEd. “Planting trees plays a crucial role in this effort, enhancing community resilience through cooling and shade, and even helping to capture carbon emissions. It’s about making a meaningful difference in the places where our customers live and work.”

One of the most touching stories from this initiative comes from Arlington Heights, IL—a community that has yearned for more green spaces. Thanks to the Power Planting Program, Arlington Heights is one of the 30 communities seeing a vibrant transformation, sparking new life and optimism on its streets.

The Impact of Power Planting

A sampling planted in one of the 30 communities as part of the 2024 Power Planting Program.

A sapling planted in one of the 30 communities as part of the 2024 Power Planting Program.

Like many areas in northern Illinois, neighborhoods often face significant challenges with low tree canopy coverage, which ranges between 10% to 16%, according to the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. This lack of greenery results in hotter summers, lower air quality, and fewer shaded spaces for children to play or families to gather.

Recognizing the impact this has on daily life, ComEd took action with Arbor Day Foundation and collaborated closely with three key teams at ComEd—Vegetation Management, Corporate Community Impact, and External Affairs—to identify the neighborhoods most in need of this greening effort.

In this year’s program, over 3,500 saplings—young trees— were delivered across 30 northern Illinois communities, making a tangible difference that’s already being felt by residents. The diverse assortment of trees distributed includes a range of species designed to enhance local landscapes and support ecological health.

“Trees are essential to our communities—they cool our homes, reduce our energy usage, clean our air, and provide a connection to nature for residents,” said Kristen Bousquet, Senior Manager of Partnerships at The Arbor Day Foundation. “The trees planted through ComEd’s Power Planting Program will grow to offer these benefits for generations, nurturing the sense of community and well-being in neighborhoods like Arlington Heights.”

A Summer of Growth

A few young trees planted in Arlington Heights.

A few young trees planted in Arlington Heights.

The newly planted trees in Arlington Heights are more than just greenery—they’re a source of comfort, offering essential shade and cleaner air, and transforming the streets into more welcoming places.

“The varieties of trees donated by ComEd are perfect for our community— some of the saplings went to the Arlington Heights Garden Club, where members planted the trees around the village. Their efforts aim to enhance the urban forest canopy and bring many benefits that trees provide to the community,” said Ashley Karr, Village Forester from Public Works & Engineering Department of Arlington Heights. “The variety of tree species was beneficial for the different types of sites in residents’ yards, with the plants clearly labeled to easily identify. These trees represent more than just beautifying our neighborhood; they symbolize a commitment to a healthier, more sustainable future for our families.”

Since 2015 ComEd has successfully distributed over 33,000 trees across its service territory reaching several neighborhoods. In Arlington Heights, there’s a renewed sense of pride and optimism, as these trees stand as symbols of resilience and renewal.

As these new trees take root and grow, the hope is that they will continue to inspire future community-driven environmental initiatives. ComEd remains dedicated to supporting communities like Arlington Heights, nurturing a brighter, greener future for all.

For more information visit The Arbor Day Foundation’s Power Planting Program page. Below is the list of communities that received tree saplings through the 2024 Power Planting Program:

• Belvidere Public Works
• City of Berwyn
• City of Des Plaines
• City of Freeport
• City of Moments
• City of North Chicago
• City of Rockford Public Works Fostering Division
• Elk Grove
• Glen Ellyn Park District
• Town of Cicero
• Village of Arlington Heights
• Village of Bellwood
• Village of Bourbonnais
• Village of Crete
• Village of Fox Lake
• Village of Forest Park
• Village of Glen Ellyn
• Village of Grant Park
• Village of Hawthorne Woods
• Village of Homer Glen
• Village of Manhattan
• Village of Maywood
• Village of Monee
• Village of Mokena
• Village of Momence
• Village of Orland Park Public Works
• Village of Peotone
• Village of River Grove
• Village of Union Hall
• Village of Wilmington