“Information at your fingertips” used to be the colloquial way to express the convenience of technology.
Now it’s “information at the sound of your voice” – no fingertips required.
The latest customer innovation from ComEd is an interface with the most popular chatbot applications: Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Google Assistant. Chatbot technology relies on natural language processing and artificial intelligence to understand conversations and provide clear answers. It gives consumers an easy, hands-free interactive experience.
Once a customer has downloaded the ComEd skills to their chatbot device, they can report an outage, get outage status updates and check balances by simply asking.
“With previously unimagined tools at their fingertips, customers want to engage their energy company in new and more convenient ways,” said Erica Borggren, vice president of customer channels. “This new option for smart home devices is yet another way we’re providing customers the simple and personalized experience they want.”
Interested customers can visit ComEd.com/Chatbots to download the skills to their smart home device.
In addition to the new chatbot feature, ComEd residential and business customers can access a free and recently enhanced mobile app that allows them to easily access account information on the go. The app makes it simple to manage more than one account at a time and is available on smartphones or tablets. Customers can pay their bill, report an outage, stay up-to-date on the restoration status, or check usage.
Lastly, when customers register online, they gain access to a universe of account information, including yearly, monthly, and daily energy usage statistics; personalized saving tips; bill forecasts; and service change orders.