Despite a couple lingering snow flurries, spring is finally here! Joining the singing birds and budding plants this year are more than 3,600 trees provided to Illinois residents and communities by ComEd this year.
ComEd is proud to be a champion of protecting and enhancing green spaces in our communities. Celebrated on the last Friday in April, Arbor Day is marked by the planting of trees and emphasizes caring for them to sustainably protect our planet’s natural resources.
In collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation’s Energy-Saving Trees program, ComEd has been providing trees and shrubs to customers in celebration of Arbor Day for 9 years. This year, the program was announced at the end of March, and every available tree was claimed in an astonishing four days!
3,125 trees and shrubs have been mailed to customers’ homes and 500 additional trees were distributed in communities during a variety of Earth Day events earlier this month. These trees will be planted in 315 Illinois communities to help improve air quality and beautify community spaces.
“ComEd is committed to a carbon-free future—and one way to help meet this goal is by protecting our green spaces and lowering carbon emissions in our communities,” said Gil Quiniones, CEO of ComEd. “In collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation, ComEd is proud to donate 3,125 trees to residents who are committed to building a cleaner future with us.”
The Energy-Saving Trees program, started by the Arbor Day Foundation in 2011, has reduced air pollution, storm water runoff and energy costs for customers by helping cool homes. Since 2015, ComEd’s involvement in the program has engaged nearly 22,000 customers who have planted more than 31,000 trees and shrubs. This effort will help save over 51 million kilowatt hours of electricity and sequester more than 34 million pounds of carbon over the next 20 years. This impact equates to taking 6,700 cars off the road every year.
“ComEd’s continued investment in this program means cleaner air and water for all residents in Illinois,” said Dan Lambe, CEO of the Arbor Day Foundation. “The trees distributed by the Energy-Saving Trees program will provide innumerable environmental benefits for years to come. We are proud to partner with ComEd year-after-year in their mission to build a carbon-free future.”
When strategically placed, these trees and plants can also have a positive impact on energy efficiency for ComEd customers. These trees and shrubs can help reduce home energy use by shading homes in the summer and blocking strong winds in the winter, with the potential of lowering energy bills up to 20 percent when the trees fully mature. Click here to learn more on planting the right tree in the right place.
This annual tree give away continues to grow year-over-year and is one of many programs ComEd champions to support our communities, environment, and stewardship.