Say hay to the new herd of ComEd employees!
Two-hundred goats (yes, you read correctly) are joining the ComEd family. Although they won’t be working on powerlines or attending meetings, they will play a role in helping ComEd deliver safe and reliable energy to homes and businesses.
The goats will bring their big appetites for greenery to clear vegetation under ComEd transmission lines in Pekin, Ill., to reduce the chances of electric service interruptions that trees and brush can cause. Why goats? Due to steep ravines in the area, it is challenging for vegetation management crews to clear brush. Besides being so darn cute, using goats can cut the cost and time to clear vegetation in half and reduce safety risks. It’s also an eco-friendly alternative.
Meet a few members of the team:
Baaabra, Herd Queen
Every goat herd has a “Herd Queen,” and Baaabra is the leader of this flock. She is the largest and oldest goat. Baaabra’s dominance and authority give her first choice when it comes to food and sleeping spots. In her executive role, she makes important decisions like where and what land to graze. She demands respect and won’t settle for anything less. All hail, Queen Baaabra!
Vincent van Goat, Head Buck
Vincent van Goat, also known as Vinny, brings nine years of experience and will help train and guide his coworkers through the ravines. In addition to being the biggest and strongest male, Vinny is a bahhhmazing communicator and always ready to strike a pose for the camera. With this new opportunity, Vinny is most excited to make new friends and contribute to the safety practices of ComEd.
Billy the Kid, Manager
Billy the Kid has been in the goat grazing business for a little under five years. He’s looking to grow within the company and is excited about where this opportunity may take him. Billy has experience on rocky, steep and difficult terrain, which has helped him remain calm in stressful situations. His positive attitude and team player mentality will start this team off on the right hoof.
Selena Goatmez, Intern
Selena Goatmez is the youngest member of the team, with this being her first professional opportunity outside of the pen. Although she’s still getting used to waking up early for work, she’s excited for this next chapter. Selena is hardworking and graduated at the top of her class. She is not a picky eater and always performs – even under pressure. Her ability to work quickly and efficiently will be beneficial when deadlines are approaching. She’s goat her teams back!